Paddling on Falls Lake
Boat ramps scare me. I could describe a scene where I dodge drunken
rednecks who drag race up the ramp, their bass boats in tow, but
that's not really how it is. Most people at the boat ramp just seem
nervous and embarrassed. You can't exactly practice pulling a bout
out of water in the privacy of your own home. Most spin their wheels
on the oil and fuel soaked ramps and figure it all out while other
boat owners watch and wait. When I figure out some way to remember to
get all my kayaking gear from my car before I get my boat in the
water, I'll think about coming up with some redneck jokes. That said,
boat ramps still scare me.
We had no intention of going as far as we did, but it was our first
trip up the lake, and we just needed to see what was around the next
Looks like I'll be in the market for a new paddle pretty soon. My
Werner Skagit just doesn't feel right to me.
Today was the first day using my new GPS tracking software. After a
couple of false starts writing my own, I found Cetus GPS. It doesn't have mapping
(or even real time track visualization), but it does the job. Its
trivial to convert the track files to GPX format and then upload it to