One man's rush to jump on the kayaking bandwagon

Sanoodi and EveryTrail

Sanoodi is a site for sharing GPS tracks. It's a great idea, but it seems fairly buggy. It relies on Google Maps for everything and therefore has all the limitations of Google Maps (lot's of time spent watching the spinning beach ball). I also just don't understand the need for the obligatory Flickr integration. Why can't I turn this off? Why can't I make my tracks private? It also seems to have some IE specific functionality. Overall, it just doesn't feel finished.
EveryTrail is a more polished version of Sanoodi. Tracks can be made private and I don't have to look at other people's random Flickr photos.
Both sites lack the ability to simplify GPS tracks by limiting the number of points. Adding this as part of the upload process would significantly improve the perceived responsiveness of the sites as the maps would render much faster. I was also not impressed with the search functionality of either site.
Although, I might just be overly critical since I've thought about making a site like this myself. :-) I think I'll stick to using for now.
tags: software

December 27, 2007